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Discover the Easiest Way to Build Professional Virtual Presence 

Sign up as a member and be the first one to test-driving pre-release versions, try out new features and find out the latest news and tips about B2B cases, as well as general updates, offers and exclusive deals.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Spacecreator Early Adopter Community?
    The Spacecreator Early Adopter Community lets users try out pre-release software. The feedback you provide on quality and usability helps us identify issues, fix them, and make Spacecreator software even better. Please note that since the public beta software has not yet been commercially released by Spacecreator, it may contain errors or inaccuracies and may not function as well as commercially released software.

  • How do I get the public betas?
    As an Early Adopter member of Spacecreator, you’ll be able to access the latest public betas, as well as subsequent updates.

  • How do I provide my feedback to Spacecreator?
    Spacecreator uses the contact form at the top of this page to set you with an associate Account Manager. When you experience an issue or something does not work as expected, send your feedback directly to the Acount Manager.

    Your Account Manager will also establish a video call to get relevant feedback after your trial.

  • Who can participate?
    The Spacecreator Early Adopter Community is open to anyone who accepts the terms.

  • Do I have to pay a fee to join the program or pay for software?
    No. Both the program and software are free.

  • What kind of compensation do I receive for testing?
    This program is voluntary, and there is no compensation for your participation.

  • What’s the difference between this program and the Spacecreator Affiliate Program?
    The Spacecreator Early Adopter Community collects feedback on pre-release software. The Spacecreator Affiliate Program allows creators earn a commission each time they refer a new customer who makes a purchase on our Licenses.

    If you are a creator, you will benefit from the additional resources available through the Spacecreator Affiliate Program.

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